
Binnen contactcenters wordt steeds meer gebruik gemaakt van kwaliteitsmonitoring systemen. De KSF (Klanten Service Federatie) onderkent de noodzaak om in het belang van werkgevers en werknemers een algemene richtlijn omtrent kwaliteitsmonitoring verder te ontwikkelen. Dit document voorziet in basisafspraken die contactcenters, die nog geen interne richtlijnen voor kwaliteitsmonitoring hebben, verder dienen uit te werken in een eigen regeling. Daarbij dienen de juridische kaders, zoals benoemd in hoofdstuk twee van deze algemene richtlijn, te worden gerespecteerd.

Waarom deze richtlijn?

Het meeluisteren, opnemen en het cijfermatig registreren van telefoongesprekken vindt in veel contactcenters plaats. Wanneer dit niet zorgvuldig geschiedt of op basis van onduidelijke afspraken kan dit leiden tot inbreuk op de persoonlijke levenssfeer van betrokken medewerkers, wanneer gegevens een individuele medewerker identificeren of kunnen identificeren.

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NICE delivers several Alcatel recording solutions. Each solution is highly reliable, easy to install and economical in use. Each solution uniquely enables organisations to achieve the highest levels of flexibility, quality assurance and liability protection while supporting existing hardware and infrastructure.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the NICE Active Recording solution. Recording methods for Alcatel recording offered by NICE are:

  • CTI Passive Set Side Recording & CTI Passive Trunk Side Recording: The NICE Alcatel CTI Recording Solution and communicates with an Alcatel TSAPI Premium Server and receives the audio via parallel tapping of analogue and digital sets or a trunk.
  • DR-Link Recording: The NICE Alcatel DR-Link Recording Solution is integrated with a CTI-enabled Alcatel PBX environment (OXE) and communicates with an Alcatel TSAPI Premium Server.Overview.

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This document is intended to provide an overview of the requirements for designing the NICE Recording Solutions for Avaya where a CTI integration with AES is used. AES (Application Enablement Services) from Avaya are Call Control possibilities for Devices & Media (DMCC).

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Call Recorder Pico
De Call Recorder Pico is een ideale oplossing als u gesprekken direct op de PC wilt opslaan. Met een druk op de knop, of volledig automatisch, wordt ieder gesprek opgeslagen in een overzichtelijke database (

Call Recorder Single
De FeaturePhone, een telefoon met geïntegreerde Call recorder, en de Call Recorder Single zijn professionele enkellijns recorders. Er zijn diverse modellen met interne harddisk, ingebouwde CD-recorder en / of flashgeheugen beschikbaar.

Call Recorder Silver Line
De Silver line modellen zijn ideale recorders om verschillende gesprekken tegelijk of zelfs al het telefoonverkeer van een firma op te nemen. Multilijns Call Recorders zijn er voor analoge lijnen, voor ISDN2 en voor ISDN30 lijnen.

NICE Recording
De NICE Recorders zijn de perfecte oplossing voor het vastleggen, opslaan, oproepen en afspelen van telefoon-, radio- en gegevensinteracties in zowel traditionele als IP telefoonomgevingen. Deze recorders kunnen van één of meerdere locaties opnemen, van 4 tot duizenden kanalen. Opnamen kunnen snel teruggezocht en afgespeeld worden via een intuïtieve, browsergebaseerde database. De NICE recorders zijn tevens met diverse modules uitbreidbaar: Screen recording, Evaluation (kwaliteits monitoring), Incident Replay (Meldkamers), PC Replay (offline afspelen), etc.

Business Recorder
Deze recorder is ontwikkeld voor het opnemen van vergaderingen, verhoren, interviews, bijeenkomsten, sollicitatiegesprekken etc. Met twee microfoons of direct aangesloten op uw vergadersysteem biedt de Business Recorder een uiterst professionele en heldere opnamekwaliteit.

Fax Server
Met een Fax Server combineert u de betrouwbaarheid van faxen met het gemak van e-mail. Een Fax Server is een belangrijke stap naar het papierloze kantoor, bovendien bespaart u op toner en energie. Fax Servers zijn er voor analoge, ISDN2- en voor ISDN30 lijnen (

Voice Server
Voice Servers voegen functionaliteit toe aan het huidige telefoonsysteem. Ze verbinden automatisch door, vormen een wachtrij, leveren uitgebreide gespreksstatistieken en nemen voice mail op. Dit zijn onmisbare functies voor het telefoonsysteem van een groeiende organisatie en hoeft u niet uw gehele telefonieomgeving te vernieuwen om deze functionaliteiten te krijgen.

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NICE Recording Solutions

NICE Recording Solutions are the industry’s first open and secure recording solutions; designed using industry standards. This industry leading technology is being used by the worlds leading financial institutions, governmental and public safety organizations and contacts centers. By leveraging commercial off the shelf hardware and customer provided network storage devices, this future-proofed solution for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications provides unsurpassed functionality and reduces a firms total cost of ownership. This flexible, multi-media product delivers high quality recordings for traditional or VoIP telephony, data and desktop screen for all applications including verification and compliance, dispute resolution, training and quality monitoring.

Cisco Recording Methods

NICE delivers several Cisco VoIP recording solutions. Each solution is highly reliable, easy to install and economical in use. Each solution uniquely enables organisations to achieve the highest levels of flexibility, quality assurance and liability protection while supporting existing hardware and infrastructure.

NICE offers 4 recording methods for Cisco:

1. IP-based Passive IP Recording:
IP recording using the SPAN port of the network switches.

2. Extension-based Passive Recording:
a specific case of Passive IP Recording based on a list of extensions to be recorded. It supports Extension Mobility and is non dependant on phone IP/MAC addresses for recording.

3. Selective Gateway Recording:
IP recording based on spanning the audio from one or more gateways and receiving the related call information from the Cisco Call Manager.

4. Active IP Recording:
Case of IP recording using a Call Manager integration and the dual media stream facility. A CTI integration with target monitoring is used to trigger the recordings. The choice of recording methods depends on the requirements for cost effectiveness, resilience and expansions possibilities.

NICE delivers several Cisco VoIP recording solutions. Each solution is highly reliable, easy to install and economical in use. Each solution uniquely enables organisations to achieve the highest levels of flexibility, quality assurance and liability protection while supporting existing hardware and infrastructure.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the NICE Active IP Recording solution. Other methods for Cisco IP recording offered by NICE are:

  • Passive IP Recording: IP recording using the SPAN port of the network switches and dependant on IP/MAC addresses for recording.
  • Extension-based Passive Recording: This is a specific case of Passive IP Recording based on a list of extensions to be recorded. It supports Extension Mobility and is non dependant on phone IP/MAC addresses for recording. Extension mobility allows to logon to any phone with a Login ID. A user will be then available at any phone via his extension.
  • Selective Gateway Recording: IP recording based on spanning the audio from one or more gateways and receiving the related call information from the Cisco Call Manager.

NICE delivers several Cisco VoIP recording solutions. Each solution is highly reliable, easy to install and economical in use. Each solution uniquely enables organisations to achieve the highest levels of flexibility, quality assurance and liability protection while supporting existing hardware and infrastructure.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the NICE Passive IP Recording solutions. Other methods for Cisco IP recording offered by NICE are:

  • Selective Gateway Recording: IP recording based on spanning the audio from one or more gateways and receiving the related call information from the Cisco Call Manager.
  • Active IP Recording: Case of IP recording using a JTAPI connection for the conference/silent monitor facility. It is the JTAPI target monitoring that is triggering the recordings.

NICE delivers several Cisco VoIP recording solutions. Each solution is highly reliable, easy to install and economical in use. Each solution uniquely enables organisations to achieve the highest levels of flexibility, quality assurance and liability protection while supporting existing hardware and infrastructure.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the NICE Selective Gateway Recording solution for Cisco. Other methods for Cisco IP recording offered by NICE are:

  • Passive IP Recording: IP recording using the SPAN port of the network switches and dependant on IP/MAC addresses for recording
  • Extension-based Passive Recording: This is a specific case of Passive IP Recording based on a list of extensions to be recorded. It supports Extension Mobility and is non dependant on phone IP/MAC addresses for recording. Extension mobility allows to logon to any phone with a Login ID.
  • Active IP Recording: Case of IP recording using a JTAPI connection for the conference/silent monitor facility. It is the JTAPI target monitoring that is triggering the recordings


Mitel is a leading provider of communications solutions for a range of organizations – from the very small, single site offices to the multi-site, large enterprises. Mitel offers customers a broad choice of solutions, from basic business communications to sophisticated unified communications, from pre-packaged to tailored applications, and from an outright capital purchase to a managed service.

Secure Recording Connector

NICE offers a Recording Solution that can be integrated with the Mitel Secure Recording Connector (SRC). With this integration, the Mitel IP phones that are registered through the 3300IP Server can be recorded, even if encryption is enabled for these IP phones. Advantages of the CyberTech Recording Solution are:

  • Turn-key solution for recording of the Mitel 3300 IP with SCR.
  • Recording from 4 up to 240 channels in one box
  • Easy, completely browser-based user interface: No additional workstation software required.
  • Standard security features such as encryption, audit trails, user management and secure connections.
  • Low costs for maintenance because commercial off-the-shelf hardware equipment is used.

NICE Recording Solutions

NICE Recording Solutions are the first open and secure recording solutions designed to use industry standard hardware and software. This advanced technology is being used by the world’s leading financial institutions, governmental and public safety organisations and contact centres. By taking advantage of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and customer provided network storage devices, this future-proofed solution for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications provides unsurpassed functionality while reducing a firm’s total cost of ownership. This flexible, multi-media product delivers high quality recordings of traditional or VoIP telephony, data and workstation screens for all applications including verification and compliance, dispute resolution, training and quality monitoring.

Mitel SRC

Mitel Secure Recording Connector (SRC) is a software solution that facilitates the recording of Mitel encrypted voice streams by third-party call recording equipment. SRC uses the Mitel Standard Linux (MSL) operating system as its base and is positioned on the LAN between the ICP and the sets to be recorded. It accepts requests from authorized third-party recording manufacturer NICE to establish taps in the voice stream. These taps are separate (mirrored) streams from the SRC to the recorder.


Mitel is introducing a new, secure way of connecting call recording equipment on 3300 IP Communications Platform (ICP). Using the Secure Recording Connector (SRC), customers are provided with a central connection point for call recording equipment, allowing recording of IP extensions and Mitel TeleWorker Solution phones with voice encryption activated. The Mitel Secure Recording Connector (SRC) provides a central connection point for call recorders and IP extensions that need to be recorded. The SRC is a standalone software blade, downloadable and licensable from the Mitel Applications Management Centre (AMC). The NICE Recording Solution (Release 5 and higher) can be integrated with the Mitel Secure Recording Connector (SRC). With this integration, the Mitel IP phones that are registered through the 3300IP Server can be recorded, even if encryption is enabled for these IP phones. The Mitel Secure Recording Connector acts as the ‘man-in-the-middle’ and delivers the voice and data of targeted calls to the NICE Voice Recording Solution. The NICE Recording System with the Mitel Secure Connector integration is one of the world’s first totally secure recording solutions; calls are encrypted from beginning to end.

This document is intended to provide an overview of the requirements for designing the NICE Recording Solutions for the Nortel Meridian Link Services (MLS) CTI integration. The MLS CTI integration enables the NICE Recording solutions to record any IP phone within the Nortel network, without spanning.


The Etrali Voice Platform (Etradeal) can be recorded with the NICE Recording Solutions. Etrali software version 33 or newer is required, plus a “SIM 709 card” (connected to the SIM 622 box) and a “SIM 622 box” (providing the serial connection). The Recording Solution is connected to the Etrali Voice Platform via one or more PCM30 connections. By using the CDR port of Etrali, additional call information is added to each recorded call.

Recording of Etrali Trading Solutions can be done for a max. 64 channels in a stand alone configuration, or for thousands of channels in a Server/Satellite configuration. In a stand-alone configuration, the CDR integration can be done in the same chassis.

NICE Recording Solutions are the first open and secure recording solutions designed to use industry standard hardware and software. This advanced technology is being used by the world’s leading financial institutions, governmental and public safety organisations and contact centres. By taking advantage of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and customer provided network storage devices, this future-proofed solution for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications provides unsurpassed functionality while reducing a firm’s total cost of ownership.

The NICE Recording Solutions can be used as a standalone for single site recording, as a satellite server for distributed recording, and enterprise-wide to meet high availability and resilience requirements. And with an intuitive browser-based interface, all recordings can be securely retrieved and replayed from any location at any time.

Secure Recording

Secure storage of data is another compliance-facilitating and, therefore, highly differentiating, capability that CyberTech provides. Characteristics of the NICE portfolio include the highest levels available of resilience through centrally archived recordings into mass storage devices such as EMC Centera. NICE uses the market’s first 256 bit Rijndael AES audio encryption, complemented by MD5 fingerprinting to secure all audio files against unauthorized replay, alteration or editing. To eliminate hardware and software integration issues and meet the strictest IT security policies, NICE solutions are open architecture-based and are based on standard off-the-shelf hardware. Through its open architecture, NICE enables easy integration with telephony systems without costly and disruptive hardware updates that typically increase running costs.


IPC is a leading provider of mission-critical communications solutions to financial services firms worldwide. IPC offers customers a suite of products and enhanced services that includes advanced Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, and integrated network and management services. NICE has recording solutions for the IPC Alliance MX™ platform. Integrated compliance and quality recording is available for a single site, as well as for distributed or enterprise wide recording.


On the IPC Alliance MX™ the audio is recorded at the PCM30 trunks via VOX, and stored in the NICE database. The additional CDR information about calls is also stored in the database. Using the NICE application the CDR information is shown, and using this information, calls can easily be selected for replay. Recording for IPC can easily be combined with recording of back-office PBX, all within the same system.

NICE Recording

NICE Recording Solutions are reliable and future-proofed recording solutions for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications. They can be used in either traditional or Internet Protocol (IP) telephony environments and deliver high quality recordings for all applications including verification and compliance, dispute resolution, training and quality monitoring. NICE solutions are based on standard, common-of-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and recordings can be accessed using standard web browsers without requiring additional software installed on individual user computers.

BT Global Financial Services

The ITS voice trading platform from BT Global Financial Services (GFS) supports voice, video, IM, e-mail and other applications across a range of devices and protocols. It is used by more than 60,000 traders in 51 countries across 800 customer sites. As a result of the certification, CyberTech can extend to customers its award winning and open digital recording platform into that of BT, a globally leading system specifically designed to meet the soaring expectations of financial industry users.


The BT ITS voice platform range supports voice distribution and voice conferencing between the network, PBX, turrets and other voice systems. Comprising a number of fully digital and highly faulttolerant modules, the platform can be configured to meet the voice needs of any trading floor. The ITS voice platform provides truly flexible connections to voice recorders, using 32-channel digital pipes to deliver the voice and the ITSlink device interface to provide the real-time data. Allocation of user devices to voice recorder channels is configured entirely from the management station.

ITS Link

For BT trading systems the ITSlink Server provides call information via the ITSlink which is a realtime TCP/IP information feed. Based on this feed, call details will be added to the recorded BT turret calls. The ITSlink integration is based on ITSlink protocol version 15, and downwards compatible with older ITSlink protocols V13 and V14.

BT Mega Link

Audio recording is based on BT summed digital trunks called Megalink. Each Megalink trunk offers 32 audio recording channels via a 4 wire digital interface. The Megalink audio channels correspond with turret audio channels. Via BT configuration, turret position handsets and speaker boxes are mapped to Megalink channels.


The NICE ITSlink integration adds additional BT related information to the recorder database. For BT systems 2 types of recordings are available. BT ITSlink data is converted to separate recording entries type ‘CDR’. BT PCM32 audio recording is energy trigger based. Audio is stored in separate recording entries of type ‘VOX’.


The recording and integration of BT ITS is tested, approved and certified by British Telecom (BT).


Speakerbus develops and delivers mission critical voice communications solutions to the Financial Services and Command & Control verticals. As a market leader in delivering innovative voice technology products such as IP hoot n’ holler systems, conferencing platforms and an open platform SIP trading turret, Speakerbus solutions are used by nine out of the top ten securities firms and installed in 30 countries worldwide.

NICE Recording Solutions

NICE Recording Solutions are the first open and secure recording solutions designed to use industry standard hardware and software. This advanced technology is being used by the world’s leading financial institutions, governmental and public safety organisations and contact centres. By taking advantage of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and customer provided network storage devices, this future-proofed solution for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications provides unsurpassed functionality while reducing a firm’s total cost of ownership.

SB 534 Hoot ‘n’ Holler

Hoot ‘n’ Holler networks provide a dedicated, guaranteed and “always on” channel of global communication for multi-user conferences. Hoot ‘n’ Holler broadcast audio network systems provide an internal communications tool for financial organisations and brokerage firms to trade stocks and currency futures and provide time-critical information such as during the morning call when market movements and updates, trade executions and other significant events affecting the organisation are communicated. Hoot ‘n’ Holler capability provides a business critical and tightly targeted channel of communication which can support thousands of users around the globe and is an integral part of Speakerbus’ voice trading systems – the SB 534 hoot ‘n’ holler intercom platform.


A Speakerbus intercom is connected to the Speaker SB534 system. This Speakerbus platform is connected to the NICE recording system via one or more ISDN E1 output lines. The recording is done for the voice of all calls, except broadcast calls. Also one or more analogue output lines, for the recording of the voice of the broadcast calls are connected. A TCP/IP Call logging interface (CDR) is used to provide the call data. Installing the recording for Speakerbus SB 534 is easy and straightforward due to the flexible CDR configuration and standard E1 connections.


Speakerbus develops and delivers mission critical voice communications solutions to the Financial Services and Command & Control verticals. As a market leader in delivering innovative voice technology products such as IP hoot n’ holler systems, conferencing platforms and an open platform SIP trading turret, Speakerbus solutions are used by nine out of the top ten securities firms and installed in 30 countries worldwide.

NICE Recording Solutions

NICE Recording Solutions are the first open and secure recording solutions designed to use industry standard hardware and software. This advanced technology is being used by the world’s leading financial institutions, governmental and public safety organisations and contact centres. By taking advantage of commercial off-the-shelf hardware and customer provided network storage devices, this future-proofed solution for the capture, storage, retrieval and playback of voice, radio and data communications provides unsurpassed functionality while reducing a firm’s total cost of ownership.

Secure Recording

Secure storage of voice and data is a compliancefacilitating and, therefore, highly differentiating, capability that NICE provides. Characteristics of the NICE portfolio include the highest levels available of resilience through centrally archived recordings into mass storage devices such as EMC Centera. NICE uses the market’s first 256 bit Rijndael AES audio encryption, complemented by MD5 fingerprinting to secure all audio files against unauthorized replay, alteration or editing. To eliminate hardware and software integration issues and meet the strictest IT security policies, NICE solutions are open architecture-based and are based on standard off-the-shelf hardware. Through its open architecture, NICE enables easy integration with VoIP telephony systems without costly and disruptive hardware updates that typically increase running costs.


The Speakerbus i turret is connected to a SIP PBX and to the local LAN. Each i turret provides a stream of call and voice activity events to the i cds (Internetworking Call Data Service) while providing a copy of the audio stream to the CyberTech recorder. The voice activity events include details on Date/Time, Channel Name, Fixed Seating User, and Duration. Voice streams can be minimized by mixing handset and speaker channels directly at the i turret, using the i cms (Internetworking Customer Management System) management application, as a means to minimize traffic and recorder capacity requirements.

Easy Installation

The installation of Speakerbus recording does not require configuring a SPAN or Network Monitor port. Each i turret is configured for recording by using the built-in recording stream configuration. The NICE recording server is connected to the IP Network and receives the audio to record from each iTurret on a specified IP and Port, for each recording stream.


The integration of the NICE Recording Solutions is tested and certified by Speakerbus

Voice Recording

Voice recording systems can produce terabytes of data which often needs to be efficiently managed and stored for periods of up to 10 years. NICE recording solutions already offer a wide range of alternatives for archiving including DVD-RAM, SAN, NAS, etc. To meet the growing demand from customers, NICE has added EMC storage integration to the existing archiving interfaces. This integration is approved and certified by EMC.

EMC Centera

EMC Centera is the world’s most simple, affordable and secure repository for the archiving of information. This purpose-built, software-driven storage platform provides a myriad of new capabilities for unlocking the business value from unchanging or infrequently changing digital assets such as voice, radio and data communications.

Safe and Secure

Safe and secure storage is essential and every recording stored on an EMC Centera system is allocated a unique MD5 fingerprint which guarantees integrity. For each recording, a number of properties or parameters could be included in an XML format’.


The archive management process is fully automated with pre-set retention periods for each department or individual. NICE recording solutions maintain an EMC retention database that uses individual or group profiles than can be individually defined to meet specific needs. A ‘timed delete protection’ feature ensures that recordings can not be tampered with before the end of the predetermined retention period, at which point they are automatically deleted.

Litigation On Hold

A “litigation hold” is a suspension of EMC’s data (recorded call) retention policies for those data that may be relevant to a lawsuit that has been actually filed, or even one that is “reasonably anticipated.” By putting calls on hold, the system will temporally prevent the deletion of the calls. While on Hold, these calls cannot be removed from EMC even if retention is expired. The CT Recording Solution allows up to 5 ‘holds’ per archived call.


The NICE EMC Chargeback application generates reports that give a good insight in the amount of storage occupied by this archive. The application can create different reports. A report can be generated for archived calls that are:

· linked to specific users
· linked to specific user groups
· recorded on specific channels
· recorded on specific channel groups

The above can all be combined within one single report. With this flexibility it is easy to create e.g. a report per Organisation or Cost Centre. The report contains the used EMC Centera storage space of all the calls within the given criteria.


EMC centralised storage eliminates the manual handling processes associated with the searching, loading and unloading, storage and management of individual media types such as DVD, CD, Iomega or digital tape. This increases security and reduces staff costs.
This integration enables call recordings to be safely and securely stored in a clustered and resilient storage system. It unlocks the value in digital content, lowers costs and makes it easier to manage and share information. NICE offers the first recording solution with full EMC Centera integration including complete retention management and litigation hold features.

Quality Monitoring – Kwaliteit en Service meetbaar maken

Het vaststellen van de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening in contact centers is geen eenvoudige zaak. Wanneer is een gesprek goed? Klanttevredenheid speelt een rol, maar ook de kosten van het klantcontact zijn een belangrijke factor. Een werkbare
definitie van kwaliteit is: doe het in één keer goed.

Quality Monitoring (QM) als proces

Onderzoeken tonen keer op keer aan dat het voor de klant belangrijk is dat hij snel en in één keer goed wordt geholpen. Wachttijd is minder belangrijk als die eerste twee voorwaarden correct zijn ingevuld; het is dus belangrijk vast te stellen of de agent het juiste antwoord zo snel mogelijk geeft. Als u in uw contact center op deze twee elementen zou kunnen sturen neemt de First Time Right (FTR) toe en de Average Handling Time (AHT) af. Herhaalverkeer vermindert. De combinatie van lagere AHT en minder herhaalverkeer doet de druk op de bereikbaarheid van uw organisatie afnemen terwijl de klanttevredenheid zal stijgen. Logisch gevolg van een en ander is dat de kosten van uw contact center zullen dalen.

Het QM proces is dé methode om kwaliteit en service van de dienstverlening in uw contact center meetbaar en dus bestuurbaar te maken. Het begint met het inzicht in de processen die door uw contact center moeten worden ondersteund en de beschrijving ervan. Vervolgens toetst u door monitoring op afstand (en deels ook side-by-side) of uw medewerkers het beschreven proces correct uitvoeren. Dit levert u belangrijke management informatie op: FTR. Verschillen worden in coaching sessies door uw monitor besproken met uw agent. Deze draagt ook tips aan om te komen tot kortere gesprekken. Bij de volgende QM sessie ziet de monitor of zijn coaching effectief is geweest. Geadviseerd wordt om alle agents minimaal één keer per maand te monitoren en feedback te geven tijdens een één op één coaching sessie.

Al die aandacht draagt sterk bij tot het welbevinden van uw agents; weten waar je aan toe bent en duidelijkheid over de waardering voor je werk dragen sterk bij tot de motivatie. Tenslotte krijg je inzicht in je progressie. QM draagt derhalve bij tot verlaging van ziekteverzuim en verloop.

De monitor ervaart door de QM sessies met de agents aan den lijve wat uw klant meemaakt. Dit levert belangrijke marketing en procesinformatie op. Als u tenslotte de klant achteraf om zijn mening over uw dienstverlening vraagt levert dat nog verdere input op voor een mogelijke verbetering van uw klantcontactprocessen. Op deze wijze kunnen uw klanten bevestigen of u en uw contact center op de goede weg bent.

Voordelen en nadelen van het QM proces

Het inzetten van het QM proces is voor ieder contact center zeer rendabel te maken. Vooraf dient het proces goed uitgewerkt te worden en zullen goede afspraken moeten worden gemaakt met werknemers (al dan niet vertegenwoordigd door de OR). Daarnaast zal rekening moeten worden gehouden met privacy aspecten van uw klanten. Samengevat onderstaand de voordelen van het invoeren van het QM proces.

  • Kwaliteit wordt eindelijk objectief meetbaar en bestuurbaar;
  • Inzicht in FTR, belangrijke kpi’s kunnen worden gerapporteerd;
  • Bestuurbaarheid FTR en AHT neemt toe;
  • Door minder herhaalverkeer en kortere gesprekken neemt de bereikbaarheid toe;
  • Door lager aanbod en AHT dalen de kosten van uw contact center;
  • Levert belangrijke marketing- en procesinformatie;
  • Draagt bij tot lager ziekteverzuim en verloop, hogere medewerker tevredenheid;
  • Door verbetering kwaliteit en service neemt klanttevredenheid toe.

Zijn er ook nadelen aan het QM proces?

  • Inspanning vereist, gaat niet vanzelf;
  • Monitors moeten worden opgeleid en begeleid;
  • Investering in QM ondersteunende software belangrijk.

QM Software

Hoewel QM als proces uitstekend kan verlopen zonder software, is de investering in een tool vrijwel onvermijdelijk. Zonder de mogelijkheid om spraak en schermen op te nemen wordt het monitoren op afstand onmogelijk en kan alleen side-by-side gewerkt worden. De rapportage van de bevindingen van de monitor kost eveneens extra tijd zonder goede tooling. Daarom vinden wij dat het maximale rendement van het QM proces alleen gerealiseerd kan worden als het QM proces wordt ondersteund door de juist tools.

Een product dat ons inziens perfect aansluit bij de wensen en eisen van een modern contact center is NICE Quality Central. Als u deze link volgt komt u op de informatiepagina terecht van Quality Central.

Vijf redenen voor Quality Monitoring

Contact Centers vechten vandaag de dag met behoefte om de inkomsten en opbrengsten te verhogen terwijl dikwijls de gevolgen daarvan zijn dat de kosten gedrukt moeten worden, met alle service en klantgerichte gevolgen van dien. Steeds meer moet er efficiënter, en dus rendabeler gewerkt worden met cross selling en upselling daar als voorbeeld van. Dit in tegenstelling tot weleer. Ook de toenemende concurrentie van outsourcing en een huidig regulerend klimaat creëren een focus op risico management. Het vastleggen en evalueren van gesprekken met klanten is essentieel geworden. En nu de aandacht is gevestigd op investeren in technologie binnen contact centers in het tijd om na te denken over efficiëntere oplossingen binnen met een doeltreffende oplossing tegen misleidende klanten. De techniek van nu staat dit toe met meer mogelijkheden dan voorheen.

Vijf Sterke businessmotivators

1 Motivatie en het tegengaan van verloop.

De meeste contact-center managers gaan er op dit moment nog te vaak van uit dat al hun werknemers optimaal presteren, en ook ze efficiënt werken. Omdat het verloop binnen contact-centers alarmeren hoog is, moeten managers kijken naar ene oplossing om hun medewerkers te motiveren, en om hun werkervaring te vergroten. Door regelmatig te evalueren kunnen managers een toekomst perspectief geven over de toekomst van hun medewerkers. De medewerkers krijgen pro-actieve feedback over prestaties en 1 op 1. coaching, dat beide motivators zijn binnen hun werk. Bovendien kunnen ze vooruitgang meten dat ook weer als motivator telt. Ten slotte zal een werknemers niet alleen beoordeeld worden over hun prestaties op het gebied van snelheid, maar juist nu kan ook gekeken worden naar de effiency van de medewerker, die de medewerker erkenning oplevert voor zijn of haar prestatie.

2. Monitoring van Klantervaringen

Wat is de echte ervaring als een klant wordt gecontacteerd door uw organisatie? Worden zij met respect behandeld? En zijn hun vragen onmiddellijk beantwoord? Krijgen zij de indruk dat uw organisatie echt betrokken is met de klant, of enkel alleen op verzoek? Door het uitvoeren van online quality monitoring zal uw organisatie de gegevens krijgen op deze kritische vragen, wat later kan gebruikt worden om een strategisch plan te formuleren, om het klantcontact te evalueren, zodat de klant niet naar een ander vertrekt.

3. Monitoring van de houding van klanten.

Wanneer opnamen op reguliere basis wordt onderzocht door middel van quality monitoring krijgt een evaluator goed inzicht in de houding van zijn klanten. Klanten zeggen of uiten immers wat ze goed vinden, en wat hun frustreert. Bovendien kan ook worden beluisterd wat hun motiveert om bijkomende aankopen te doen tijdens gesprekken. Het hebben van een Quality Monitoring systeem zoals Mercom die levert, levert waardevolle informatie op op het gebied van klanthouding tegenover merk, stimulatoren om te kopen en de drijfveren achter hun tevredenheid (of het gebrek aan). Opnames kunnen direct worden ge-e-maild naar marketing managers om inzicht te krijgen wat klanten op dat moment.

4. Business risk Management

De laatste tijd is focus gericht op bedrijfsreputatie en de (consumenten) privacy wetgeving. Overal wordt bekeken hoe zakelijke risico’s tot het minimum kunnen worden beperkt. Door het opsporen van fouten in verklaringen en afspraken over informatie van producten en prijzen, klantenservice en verwachtingen van het bedrijf, kunnen die fouten op tijd worden geïsoleerd en kan training een op oplossing bieden tegen deze risico’s. Ook kan er gemonitord worden of er vooruitgang wordt geboekt op de voorgenoemde gebieden, en zodoende ook wederom aanpassingen worden gepleegd zo dat het risico tot een minimum wordt beperkt.

5. Verbeterde trainingsdoeltreffendheid

Kwaliteits evaluatie resultaten kunnen worden herleid naar trainingsklas en methode om na te gaan of er vooruitgang is geboekt. Wanneer er regelmatig training wordt toegepast kan precies worden bekeken welke training nu effectief was voor een bepaalde handeling en ook impliciet klanttevredenheid. Zo kan ook per individueel geval bepaald worden of training moet worden uitgebreid, of de agent dit onderdeel voldoende beheerst. Dit alles resulteert in een optimale en efficiënte inzet van uw personeel.

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